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Bah's Bake house

Catherine Soubzmaigne

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After a few years of being neglected, my creation of Bah's bake house is back...all cleaned and fixed.

Those of you who went to guild school before 2007 will probably share my emotion : that little gallery welcomed our good moments, nice breakfast among friends, instructors and students alike.

I carried that structure from France to Castine for the exhibit in 2008 but in the meantime ( I could not attend in 2007), Bah's had been refurbished and the gallery had disappeared to create more inside room. The terrace is still there and we can still enjoy gatherings in the sunny days.

My model came back a bit wretched and it took me 6 years to really fix it properly.

Now it has reunited , on my bookshelves, with the two little structures that my son made for me years ago.


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That is great Catherine, what memories it brings back. I thought the year they tore it down and remodeled was just one more step of progress Castine did not need. Over all the years, over 20 I have been going to Castine, part of my routine is head there the first few mornings I'm in town. I have spent many of long mornings on that squeaky porch talking to good friends like Noel and Pat Thomas or the local characters like Paul which I just love his stories and Maine humor. You're not in Maine until you have sat and talked to Paul over morning coffee.......... He just has the appearance of Maine as you can see.

Anyway great job on the model and it is sad it got damaged but then again I have often said if it can be built it can be fixed.


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Catherine, that's wonderful! Bill, now I know who I saw you deep in conversation with last year. He looks like the quintessential

Maine character.

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Ooooh don't you hate it when they tear things down or remodel them. I have similar places where I have good memories.

Your miniature Catherine will preserve it forever. It is a wonderful piece.

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Catherine, your structure from Maine looks wonderful.  I know that each time you see it you will remember all of the fun that you had at Guild School.


Has your son ever visited Castine with you?  Tamra

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No, Tamra, he has not.

He does not make miniature any more, I know, it is a shame...but he has two kids and a job and no time for miniature any more.

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