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Natalia Frank

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I started stitching the medallion of this rug years ago when a pattern was not even completely finished yet. Sometimes I am so excited to start working on a new project that can't wait till I finish charting a pattern.  So, I had to put it a side and wait until inspiration to finish the pattern hit me. A message from someone asking if the pattern is available reminded me about that forgotten carpet. I finished charting it, surprisingly for myself, in one breath literally. I called it VERA, that translates from Russian as Faith, to honor my Mom who always has been teaching me to finish anything whatever has been started. So, better late than never, true? The carpet was finished last October.

This rug is stitched on 49 count silk gauze with Gutermann silk floss (only 4 colors) and measures 5" x 10" with fringe.


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  • 5 months later...

Congratulations Natalia on receiving your Artisan designation from the Guild!  I hope you will post the items you submitted so we can see those beautiful items that you designed and stitched.

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