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Evanston, just north of Chicago


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After all the miniature shopping and meeting up with friends at the Chicago show over the last three days my friend and hostess took me to Evanston today and we had a great day out in glorious spring weather.

Grosse Point light house.


Lake Michigan.


The Bahá'í House of Worship


Some of the other buildings in the town.




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Beautiful pictures of Evanston... a nice local college town, as the home of Northwestern University, IL. 

I have enjoyed my many visits to Evanston.  There are also Persian rug stores, The Vogue Flagship Fabric store, and Tom Thumb Crafts store that are wonderful to visit.

I am glad that the weather in Chicago Area is so beautiful for your trip.




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My friend also took me to Dawes house in Evanston, Charles Dawes was the 30th vice president of the US from 1925 to 1929, here are a few photos of the house.









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Elga your pictures are stunning! It was nice meeting you. Yes the weather was gorgeous! 

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Was the pretty ceiling room on the first floor?  That would be a great ceiling to make......



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Tamra, it was on the ground floor, not sure if you call that the first floor in the US, it is the dining room of the house, did you notice the minstrel's gallery? 

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As we are such a specific bunch of people in this group... someone may want to correct me... but I would think we commonly refer to floors in a home in the US, as basement / cellar, 1st floor, 2nd floor, etc... and then attic.

Well, If I understand what a minstrel's gallery is... it is the focal point of your photo with the beautiful ceiling... yes?  There is a lovely minstel's gallery at the Louvre, The Carytids in Paris...

If I may digress for a moment, I can imagine madrigal singers in a minstrel gallery at Christmas time... oh we would need an exquisite feast... with a few roasted pigs complete with apple in their mouth.  ( I sang in the Madrigal society in high school... it was a fun Christmas season.)

I don't know if they built in access so we can get people in this one.


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