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Greetings from Sanford, Florida, USA

mk long

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I am Marcia Long and I have been enjoying working with miniatures since 1978 when I made my daughter a dollhouse out of scrap wood and the furniture was all made from paper egg cartons. It actually came out pretty well and my daughter loved it.  I have worked with clay, wood, cross stitch, sewing, painting, jewelry, felting, embroidery, and anything else that looks interesting.  I'm a grandmother with 5 children, 12 grandchildren and 2 greatgrandchildren.  I am currently working on a 3 story doll house for my youngest granddaughter.  She's 9 now.  We started it when she was 4.  I told her we might get it finished by the time she graduates from high school!  We hand made each brick and bathroom tiles. I've had several TIA's and was left with an essential tremor in my right hand and also due to degenerative arthritis and screws in three fingers on my right hand. (I'm right-handed) But, I don't let that stop me.  It just takes me longer to do things, and a bit more patience.  I am happy to find this forum. And pleased to become a member of IGMA.

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Marcia, I admire your commitment and am envious of all of you Grands with granddaughters...

Welcome to the forum!   if there is something we can help with, please do post...




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