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Miniatur Wunderland Hamburg

Catherine Ronan

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A city, in rather a miniature world.
Planes taking off, cruising boats, firefighters in action and ...
obviously trains that pass.
The Miniatur Wunderland Hamburg boasts over 11 kilometers of track, of which 890 trains.
300,000 lights, 215,000 trees, 3,000 buildings, 200,000 human figurines.
Familiar landscapes:
Africa, Las Vegas, Cape Canaveral, the Grand Canyon, Switzerland, the
fjords, mountains, etc.
Details and breathtaking, like the tides that are up and down
water of the Baltic Sea every 30 minutes.
There are even cameras with cops who verbalize ...
It took 500,000 hours of work to achieve this result and its creators have not
realized that half of the project, which should be completed by 2020.



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This is mind blowing! I had seen some of it a few years back, but it has clearly gotten much bigger and way more elaborate. I just saw the planes and trains. Can you imagine how great it would be to see in person?!

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Oh, this was a wonderful YouTube Video.  .. Makes me want to set up a train in the 3rd floor of the dollhouse, and if I were building a new life size home, to layout a train through the walls... I know I'll do this in miniature someday as I purchased a train a long time ago...whatever that tiny, tiny, tiny scale train is... I know I have a set somewhere in the basement.  The layout isn't the problem... it is a problem of where to hide all the wires and how to hide the wiring that has me in puzzle mode.   I guess I could go to the local model railroad group for some tips when I get ambitious.  I really enjoy Ron & April Gill's work with toys and animation of objects that don't move without some help.  I have seen several of their pieces in the Midwest Miniature Museum at Hickory Corners, MI.


This would be incredibly fun exhibit to see! 


Thank you Catherine for posting this... and Bill, I do hope you will post more photos for those of us who are not able to see the exhibit in person!



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