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New project ?

Bill Hudson

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I am thinking of making a strong box as my next project.  I have three choices, 1) a steel strong box with hasp, 2) a wood and steel Wells Fargo strong box with hasp or a solid steel 

3) Wells Fargo strong box with a complicated bar latch mechanism with a key lock back up. 


3) building in 1/12th would make a very delicate key of the working lock so I would prefer to do int in a larger scale.


I am kind of fond of the wood and steel box.


Feed back appreciated.


 (1)   post-35-0-61678100-1447050105_thumb.jpg


 (2)    post-35-0-38359100-1447050080_thumb.png


 (3)    post-35-0-20566600-1447050129_thumb.jpg

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Well, I kind of lean towards the wooden box too...and I always think it is best to make the one you like the most, otherwise I find the enjoyment in the making goes awol.

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While I kind of like box #2 I have found out it is just a fake reproduction of a box that does not really exist. Probably made in China, India or some where like that. I see a lot of these kind o things appearing antique stores supposedly sole as authentic and it angers me. For a while it was fake antique doll carriages.

This little box (may look familiar to you) is beginning to look good to me too.



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