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Tiny machinst square


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Is it possible to mill my own machinist square with soft steel?  I need to make sure the shelves for my over mantle are sitting square when I install them, and everything that I have is gigantic to fit in between my carvings.


It seems that I could mount a piece of brass or soft steel and mill this myself.  It could be another fundamental exercise?


Looking forward to forum members thoughts on this process.



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Yes, of course you can make a square out of just about any wood or metal you have. The reason some squares like machinists squares are made of hardened steel is last longer. For the kind of use most of would put on a square we could make it out of about any metal and it would last a lifetime.

I have at least a dozen different types of small machinists squares, it is kind of funny but I almost always have a favorite, but it keeps changing depending on my mood and what I'm working on.

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  • 2 months later...

I don't know of a machinist square that small but you can buy gauge blocks in small sizes. They are used as an accurate reference dimension for calibrating calipers and micrometers. You might try looking on Ebay for a used one at a good price. They do come in sizes that will be small enough to fit into that space and they are truly square at all the corners. You are paying for exacting dimensional accuracy so don't be surprised at the prices.

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