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Need to find miniature pvc pipes?


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Hello all!

I am wanting to make this...




But I need to find or make the bars to slot together. Does anyone know how I could do this?

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Finding styrene tubing shouldn't be a big problem, most hobby shops that caters for model airplanes and trains stock it, the connectors I have never seen in small sizes...but I wonder since this is for your guinea pig and don't need to be 1:12 scale...I quickly googled builders toys and maybe you might find something in the toy department that will be useable. I found these two, maybe you can teach the guinea pig to build his own toys ;-)



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Styrene - yes, excellent miniature PVC pipe... but just like copper pipe, you would just use a larger diameter of styrene to make your connectors.


What size of pipe are you looking for?  To give you an example of scale styrene, I would search at Hobbylinc.com and search for styrene tube so you can see the scale modeling sizes of styrene tube. 


I think I can imagine the size of a real guinea pig, but it would be helpful to know the diameter of the pipe you are searching for.


I think Elga's links may be the correct size for the furkid's use.



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I tried ordering what I needed from the plastruct website, but they want a minimum of $20 and I only want to buy a couple of things! :(

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Try a model train shop.


BTW... Most of us have loads of stuff left over from a projects. That becomes part of your stash of materials. You might really need those left overs sometime in the next thirty years. No kidding! ;-)

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A 45 degree stub means it has a little stub that fits into the round tube and round rod is a solid bar with no hole.

I recommend that you ask them for a picture of the 45 degree stub before you order any, on the website that Paul posted I see there are a few different ones.

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