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Hi! I am Barbara Davis (miniredleader)


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Hi! I am Barbara Davis (miniredleader), Director of the IGMA Guild School, held in Castine, Maine, for 33 years. I have been the director for the past 16 years and before that (too many years ago) I taught furniture construction for 8 years at the school. Education is what it is all about. I have been a teacher, principal, and university faculty member in public education for all of my adult working life. I have been so fortunate as the Guild School Director to be able to promote education in the miniature fine art world. The instructors and their students at the Guild School are awesome, talented, and dedicated to creating fine miniature art. We are all driven to excel and we have so much fun and camaraderie on our journey to excellence. It's the Castine Experience. 

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Welcome and Thank you for joining us. Even with the small group on board so far it seems there is a lot of talk about Guild School and what people have made with the skills they have learned.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Barbara! How wonderful to have you here. I have great respect for all you've done and still do for Guild School. 

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