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Guild Study Program - Chicago 2015?


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I read in the most recent issue of the CUBE, that Chicago was announced for a GSP for late summer/fall time slot in 2015.... Assuming that I really did read this, and it isn't just a dream on my part,  (I can't find it again in the Cube....)  I do hope some of you who haven't had the opportunity to attend Guild School will consider attending the GSP in Chicago.  

(I think 18 hours of instruction is included... and I've already been reviewing my mini tourism budget for 2015.)   Depending on the location, I could actually attend this one with just the cost of a tank of gas!  No Air travel and no long drive either!  Yes!  While I haven't been able to attend a GSP event; there have been several that I would have love to have attended in the past, and if this one is early enough, I know that I will be anxiously waiting for the announcement of class options.


So.... I hope I might be able to pique your interest for Chicago 2015 and you will consider attending.


Tamra  (Enthusiastically waiting in Indiana)

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  • 3 months later...

Yes, it was in the last Cube,

Chicago October 2-5


Allison Ashby-Rococo Chimneypiece, English Bedroom 1760-1775

Steve Jedd- Ship Model Shadow Box from Cape Cod Living Room

Mary Grady O'Brien- Boxes from the Thorne Rooms

Nancy Summers- Louis XV Settee in the French Boudoir


Waiting for it to show up on the IGMA website

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Supermod,   wish I would have been reading the forum last week to see your post on April 12...I kept checking the Guild's website last week, instead of checking the forum.  I went to the Guild Table first Friday thing Friday morning to pick up the printed version of the Fall GSP... I know which class is my first choice....and the hotel rate seems reasonable, as I think the hotel would be considered to be in the "loop",....


Although I'm fond of accumulating my days at Mariott's,,, it is less expensive and infinitely more convenient to stay at the pre-arranged hotel.  I don't know who does these negotiations on behalf of students, but thank you!



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That ship model intrigues me SO MUCH. I don't know if I can do it but this whole program looks terrific. I'll wait for

the brochure.

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  • 1 month later...

Hello Forum members... www.igma.org does have the details for the Chicago Guild Study Program on the website now... check it out!


If you haven't been able to attend Guild School,  this is a great opportunity to be introduced to the learning experiences offered by the Guild... 18 hours of a joyful learning experience.... 


If you have any questions, I'm sure I can find someone with an answer for you.



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