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Cape Dutch House: The Bedroom


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December in South Africa is also the time when many companies and businesses close down for the summer holidays, with hubby off from work for two weeks and my youngest daughter visiting for ten days...I decided to not work on any orders. In between all the holiday things we did I spend most of my spare time building the bedroom for my Cape Dutch house, I also started with the interior over the last few days.


Here you can see the back wall with it's paneling in place, the doorway leads to the entrance hall. The furniture are just there to show you the size of the room, I will only install the beams and ceiling once all the wall decoration is finished, right now the whole house can still come apart, I find it a lot easier to work on the walls when it is lying flat on a table.


Instead of trying to get a perfect surface on the wooden walls which would have taken a lot of work I decided to paper the walls with a fairly thick paper from an art shop, it gives the walls the feeling that they have been plastered which is historically correct for my house. On top of that I glued 1mm thick cardboard for the panels and then painted everything with a nice paint that has a matt chalky finish. I then glued onto the panels paper that is actually gift wrap of 18th century chinoiserie designs, this one dates from 1780. I still need to add molding around the panels.


The wall with the window openings is part of the front of the house, I love the size of it, this is where the sash windows will go in.


And here you can see a bit of the hollow construction of the walls of the house.


This is the bed that I plan on making for the bedroom, I saw the real bed earlier this year in the museum which is located and part of the Groot Constantia wine Estate in Cape Town.


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Elga, I love your wallpaper!  I hope you have a nice stash. It is good to have a daughter home and to have some time to enjoy summer in South Africa.  I'm freezing here in the Midwest of the US right now.  (it is 7 degrees farenheight right now.)  The bed is beautiful.  It looks like you will have some handcarving in your future.  Would you subtract materials to create the carvings, or will you applique the carvings...  will you use the Toile fabric too for your bed?  Oh, it will be fun to watch this bed in progress.  Your ceilings look really high, are the 14' or 16'? I will enjoy your progress.  I also like the knots in your window frame. 



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Tamra I will probably do applied carvings for the bed, the carving class I took in Castine from Bill Robertson in 2012 will come in handy here, the mirror frame we carved were in a similar style, the mirror will probably find a place in this house. Fabric for the bed...I love toile, guess it will depend on what I can find. My ceiling is 13 1/4" high, it is great to have all that space.

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The room looks so big against the furniture that you have showing, how big will the house eventually be, with ceilings that high you will have to use scaffolding, look forward to see more of the Cape house build.



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Eddie the base for my house is 1.6m by 1.3m back, it will have a stoep (veranda) across the whole front facade, you need a place to soak up all that lovely sun.

I have worked a bit more over the last few weekends, so this is how it looks now.


At the moment I am busy building the fourth wall of the bedroom which will be the door as well for this room, traditionally the fireplace would have been against this wall, there aren't much info available on the fireplaces of the time. This week I was fortunate enough to find an old magazine from 1978 with an article on Cape Dutch fireplaces and I spend some time this morning drawing up a plan for a cupboard fireplace that is build into the wall, I have only seen photos of two of these fireplaces and as far as I understand there are only three examples that have survived the ravages of time.


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