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Help identifing this

Elizabeth Gazmuri

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First off your picture is upside down...... The little thing is a part from your other post. The thing at the bottom is a filing rest for the Taig lathe, it fits in the base for the tee rest...... You set the height and can file a controlled flat onto a turning...... If you index the lathe spindle you can count many flats, like 3,4,6 or 8 sided. For example.... Let's say you are making a tripod base table, turn the shaft and use this to cut 3 perfectly spaces flats exactly the same size for the legs to mount.

The brass ring let's you adjust it up or down with control..... This attachment has a fairly limited range in size it can work on. And the shoulders on the bearings allow you to stop the left side of the cut wherever you set it.

BTW.... This is something I made years ago...

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What a neat simple design for it too, using the bronze bearings and shoulder screws, its the simplest one I have seen. Maybe it will get me off my butt to make one!



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