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In response to Bill's challenge, here is what's on my workbench today.  My workbench is my kitchen table, and it has overflowed onto the kitchen hutch.  The petitpoint in my hand is actually further along than that now, but the person who commissioned it has asked me not to show more recent pictures until she can show it off herself.  When I finish that, I need to finish the stockings and rug to send off to another customer.  The stacks of wood are the first miniature lumber I've cut myself, and it still needs to be thicknessed.  It's for several different projects - a 1960s credenza and a 1930s dining set with expandable table that has the two leaves stored inside.  The copper pieces are for a Stickley rocking chair.  The brick in progress is for the hearth/wall in the Dick Van Dyke Show living room.  If you look closely, you can see evidence of real life projects too, namely some painting in the kitchen (had to take down the brass towl bar and the switch plates).  (The stockings are on 48 ct gauze, the elephant rug on 40, and the one in progress is on 72.)







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Wonderful to see how busy you are...... But it brings up the question, and something we all deal with. Do miniatures intrude on our real life as example of turning the kitchen table into a workbench or does real life get in the way of our miniatures like having to stop work on our little projects and do something like paint a kitchen?

Can't wait to see more of these and thanks for sharing.

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Both, Bill, but in this case real life (emptying my parents' house into my garage) intruded into miniatures by filling up my workspace and leaving me with only the kitchen to use as a workshop.  Eventually I'll get my boxes organized and be able to work in the garage.  I hope....  The painting in the kitchen was also due partly to having to extend a wall slightly to make room for my mother's corner cabinet, and partly due to a roof leak after a windstorm blew shingles off the roof and caused the ceiling to fall onto the counter.

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