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Classes in Miniatureitune 2015 near Copenhagen are now open for registration

Wm. R. Robertson

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I just got this email from the organizers...... These classes fill on a 1 st come 1 st basis........

If you look at http://miniatureitune.com/?page_id=704 or www.miniatureitune.com you will find the programme for the summer school Miniature in Tune 6th-10th of July 2014 at Tune Conference Centre, Grevevej 20, 2670 Greve, Denmark.

Venlig hilsen/kind regards

Ursula Dyrbye-Skovsted, Lisa Tørngren, Kaj Vitthøfft Rasmussen og Tove Palm

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  • 4 weeks later...

Here is a look at my projects, still have not decided on the hardware for the chest...... It might look neat in silver?


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  • 2 months later...

I just heard 4 of the classes are full with a 48 students registered so far.......... There are still great classes and space left so if you are thinking about coming to Tune (which I will add is WONDERFUL!) you had better sign up.

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