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A Really Fun Carving Class at Portsmouth, NH.

Wm. R. Robertson

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I just finished teaching a carving class at Strawbery Banke in Porthsmouth, NH…….. This was a rare class with only 4 students so we had lots of fun and went at very casual pace. It all started with a lecture by the author of the new book on Bellamy and then a look at his eagles. 


One of the fun things was this class was held in a 18th century house that had been moved and modernized as a teaching center. Normally I am a purist on restoration but this was wonderful done, it was modernized with mostly new construction but the kept the "feel" of it. Here is our classroom…… in the old kitchen which is normally used to teach cooking classes.




Here is the outside of the house…...




And went out to wonderful dinners with good views, friends, food and drink…. this is the view from Sunday nights dinner….. BTW, these tugs are on my Portsmouth web cam that sometimes I use as a screen saver….. I just love this water front.






Now for the important part…. what did we do and learn…… here is the work of a student named Sue….






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Well... class, ís important, but so is location. It does have a huge impact on a class. And this one is really nice. I love old buildings too, and although sometimes a refurbishing is just that, leaving hardly any character from the old structure, this kitchen looks like it still has its original fireplace. Love the proportions of the faced too! So pretty and reminiscent of the area as well. 


Sue's work is lovely; a beautifully carved and painted Bellamy Eagle :) Out of many, one. 

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