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Metal Purse Clasp


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if you look at ebay item #310929210799 I want to make or find a metal purse clasp in 1/12th scale.  I purchased one of Janet Granger's kits and spent a couple of weeks of evenings stitching it and it seems so sad to sew the purse closed, so I would really like to have a purse clasp that opens.  It doesn't have to look like this - I just needed to post something so members would have some idea about what I want to make.


Don't you just love cabinets where the drawers move in and out?  Same goes for petit point purses; I want one that I can open.


I just went to the recent Chicago Show, the Little Dollhouse Shoppe (Canada) had this incredible hinged ruler, so I could use this for the sides (vertical) but would need to make horizontal part.  I'm not even close to a metals- student- level- of- knowledge, so keep this in mind.  If I took a metal brake, and attempted to bend some very, very thin brass, I could in theory soldier the bent brass with silver solder to my vertical sides cut from my hinged ruler.  I can go to the Railroad store and look for the thinnest brass sheets... would almost need it to be cardstock weight.


First, before I brake the brass to make the shape, I want to drill little holes so I can sew the frame to my Petitpoint Purse.  Do I need a special drill bit, of course I can try the ones I have, but not especially fond of killing a drill bit just for the experience, if someone already knows the general one that I have purchased for wood, ie Micromark, etc, will not work on brass.


I only have silver solder that I have used for electrical purposes that I purchased from Radio Shack.  Do they make silver solder in brass color?  Would it be easier to epoxy?  But if solder works better on a long term basis, I would prefer to solder.


Can I solder aluminum to brass?  I can do my practice runs with aluminum cans.


(I think the hinged ruler was made by someone from Spain and is wonderful quality.  It is hinged with tiny, tiny o. )


Any suggestions are much appreciated...

Is my plan reasonable?


If I can't make a purse clasp that opens... what kind of wire would be 'springy' for a purse top that measures 5/8" of an inch (about 15 mm)...?  But wouldn't it need something at each end to provide tension so it would spring?


I look forward to your responses.






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It seems all this trying to adapt other parts to what you want is way too much effort for questionable results. Why don't you just start with want you want and try to make it? The hinge part is simply two parts with holes in them connected by a pin, the bent parts can probably bent with a pair of pliers rather than a break. The shape can be cut out with a jewelers saw.....etc.

Why don't you post a sketch of what you want and we'll all figure out you are going to make this.....

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I have thought of making a purse clasp before as well. Here are a few photos of a doll sized clasp that I used for a knitted bag to make a purse for a doll many years ago, this should give an idea of how the concept works. I would think that to cut the shape out of brass with a jewelers saw would be the easiest, then drill tiny holes for the stitching by hand with a drill bit in a pin vise before bending it for the hinge part and the flange it has at the top. The two tiny parts that snap together to keep the clasp closed is the one part I am not too sure how to approach.




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The two tiny parts that snap together to keep the clasp closed is the one part I am not too sure how to approach.


A small brass bead soldered to an appropriate sized wire would seem to do the trick.

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Make a pattern of the metal part laid out.  Cut brass sheet to that shape.  Cut two pieces of wood about 1/2"thick.  Draw pattern on the two wood pieces. The top one smaller.  Round off the edges of the bottom one. Anneal the brass (heat cherry red and let cool; will cool dark color). clamp the brass between the two wood blocks with an even amount of brass hanging over the front and side edges. Now with a plastic or wood hammer start bending the metal over.  Do not try to bend it all in one setting.  Anneal again and clamp in the wood and hammer more working the metal to fit the form of the wood.  Go easy on the rounded corners so as not to form wrinkles.  Saw out the pattern to the final shape leaving extra at each end for hinges. Also allow enough to make chain rings. Locate and drill the row of holes along the bottoms of the brass for sewing the purse to the metal. Solder little brass washers to the hinge area and at the chain loops.  Solder washer inside on one side of the hinge and the other one out side. Bend the hinges  so they can fit together.  Drill and file to shape. Rivet the hinges.





Make a mold with concave corners.  Once the first part is knocked over some change to the concave mold using a ball hammer pound the metal into the form.  Do not overwork the metal. Stop and anneal the metal often to keep it soft to work and finish off.





Option Two.





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Option two:  having problems with forum. Insists on posting both attachments to both postings.  Ther3 should be a way for us to delete a posting in case of a mistake.  Most all other forums I am on allow for that to happen for 24 hours.




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Sweet!  Thank you for all of your input.  This collaboration is much fun.  I like both options, but the brass is effectively like 1mm channel that folds over the edge of the Petitpoint purse and sewn to the purse.  I can use a ball peen hammer and maintain my channel ?  (I'm having figurative brain pains right now.)  Ok, I get it now... I like option 2.  I keep thinking that there has to be some kind of press to make this, curved channel.  if it were round, you could put it on a lathe and make the channel, but it isn't round shape at the top of the purse. 


I can definitely make the wooden mold.  That part is easy.


Yes, yes!  I can definitely see the application of wire to the brass beads, but I think I only have silver and gold beads.  Time to shop!







FYI, I'm pretty sure I can edit my posts after I've posted them.

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