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Hello from Idske

Idske H

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Hello everyone!


I'm Dutch but I've lived in the South East of the UK for over 17 years now. I work part time as business manager in a primary school.  I'm a mum of two boys. One is good at wiring and computer graphics, the other at engineering, maths and design. They are very tolerant of my hobby, even though my youngest doesn't appreciate having the machinery, workbench and assorted other tools in his bedroom. My excuse is that he is only here in the holidays as he's at Uni most of the year. Even so I'm working on a more permanent workroom. 


My interest in miniatures began in 1992, when I was pregnant with my eldest and thought that I needed a hobby other than reading and painting and would have lots of time in the year of maternity leave from my full time job. What did I know?


I chose the biggest house in a book I found in a second hand bookshop (by Michal Morse, if I remember correctly) with 6 rooms and a staircase with half landings. I had the walls, floors and roof cut by a DIY place in 9mm ply (not realising that that would make a sturdy but very heavy house) and had it put together in no time at all. I found a hobby shop that had strip wood in stock and made all the doors, windows and the staircase and then I read the book properly and found out that decorating and wiring is much easier before you put it all together...


I also decided to make everything in this Georgian house myself. I've since modified that to exclude glass as I've only ever found  miniature glass makers with decades of experience and that was never going to happen for me.  I enjoy making furniture, pottery and miniature needlework, but there are other things on my list to learn such as metalwork and becoming better at woodworking, carving and turning in particular and pottery. There is so much to learn in this hobby, both online from blogs and YouTube and through classes. I hope to one day come to the Guild School, probably after I retire  :rolleyes:. I have done a class at the Dutch Show at Apeldoorn and I'd love to do more. 


The house I started in 1992 still isn't finished, it may never be and I'm OK with that. As I'm a member of our local miniatures club I have since made some smaller projects. I hadn't quite realised how long things would take if you make everything yourself and have to learn how to do that first and you also have children and a job! You can see some of those projects, my pottery and some photos of the Georgian house on my blog www.idskesminis.blogspot.uk.


Idske  :D 

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