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Japanese cabinet maker

Bill Hudson

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How to make hidden joints and use all hand tools.

This is a video of a Japanese man cabinet maker Using al hand tools. Wish it went in to more detail but I am guessing if I can find the time to search I might find more parts of this series. I like his jigs for cutting length.




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  • 4 weeks later...

Great video, it is so nice to see these Japanese tools in use. The basic approach they use is so different than what we do in the west. And you can clearly see this only works with really sharp tools.... and they have really sharp tools. The chisels I have bought there are great and I can't begin to get the same edge on them when I have had to re sharpen.

Also, can you imagine what our western backs would feel like after working in that posture?...... I mean I have trouble standing up after just sitting on the floor eating a fine Japanese dinner!

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