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I'm a professional Victorian and Art deco ornament sculptor with a long time interest in miniatures- more specifically 1" scale rooms.

I was briefly on another forum that is run by a commercial dollhouse firm but it soon became clear the forum was mainly geared for small children, crafts and commercial dollhouses.


I found it  was also heavily censored and monitored to the extreme and I found the atmosphere uncomfortable there so  I decided to leave that one and find a forum geared more for the adult professional artist and those who are creating more of an art form than toys and crafts, my search brought me here.


I am presently working on a room box which I anticipate should be finished in a couple of weeks, it's the first 1" scale room like this I've done, I previously made a 1:8 scale building facade but not much else.



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Welcome Randall... can´t wait to see your work. Yes this forum is moderatored too but for the oposite reason, it is to keeps the kids toys out...... we hope you will find a comfortable internet home here to share your work and discuss your passion for it.

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Welcome Randall... can´t wait to see your work. Yes this forum is moderatored too but for the oposite reason, it is to keeps the kids toys out...... we hope you will find a comfortable internet home here to share your work and discuss your passion for it.


Thank you! oh that's great then, because I don't want "toys" we all appear to be professionals and artsts here from what I've seen so far, so I would expect to see high quality and artistic work, not toys, "crafts" for kids, and not centered around and geared for 5 year old children.

The other forum was centered around and geared for children, so every time you start to post you get the feeling there's a classroom of 5 year olds looking over your shoulder and that if you slipped up and used a "bad" word in a post, say for example:  "damn! that razor blade hurt!" you would see your post vanish- banished away by heavy handed censorship and be reminded "there's CHILDREN here!!!"


I decided to move on once I saw posts and content mysteriously vanishing within minutes of being posted and later discussions about the now missing content showing me that posts had been removed, I don't need what I see and read to be pre-nanny filtered for me.


I have some ideas in my head about what I would like to make next for a room box, actually, several ideas- one of them will be quite complex and I may leave that one for a 3rd or 4th project instead of tackling it next.


I previously did this model (shown almost completed on the exterior) using "bricks" cut from strips of cherry, it's just the upper two front floors of the building below. It was done in a scale where 1" = 8" each "brick" is 1" long which corresponded to the real 8" long bricks.








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  • 2 weeks later...

We are all grown-ups, here Randall, at least in terms of our work! I like your first building, and I'm wondering, did you choose the scale because of the brick lengths in full size? That definitely makes sense, it just means you'll have to make all the furnishings and accessories yourself, there's not a lot out there in 1:8 scale, I don't think. Which isn't a bad thing at all, it will push you into all sorts of skills and techniques.


Looking forward to seeing more of your work. And welcome to big kids' land!

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We are all grown-ups, here Randall, at least in terms of our work! I like your first building, and I'm wondering, did you choose the scale because of the brick lengths in full size? That definitely makes sense, it just means you'll have to make all the furnishings and accessories yourself, there's not a lot out there in 1:8 scale, I don't think. Which isn't a bad thing at all, it will push you into all sorts of skills and techniques.


Looking forward to seeing more of your work. And welcome to big kids' land!




Thanks Bonnie, yes, I did that 1" on the model = 8" on the real building scale so I kept it simple and didn't need to deal with odd fractions. Everything was based on the nominal 2x4x8 brick size.

I hadn't intended to furnish it, it was mainly to be the facade and part of the front room for depth.

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