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Paintings by Karry Johnson


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I see the painting section is kind of bare, so I'm adding some paintings I commissioned from Karry Johnson.  She paints in acrylics on acid free matte board in multiple styles.  The picture of the dogs was commissioned as a gift for a dear friend who lives in the Netherlands.  I gave Karry several photos of the dogs, and she created a Dutch landscape for the background and captured the dogs perfectly.  The other paintings are close copies of paintings from the Dick Van Dyke Show set which I'm working on in 1:12 scale.  She did them from black and white screenshots from the show, and chose colors based on a couple of color stills from rehearsals that didn't actually show the paintings.  She is currently working on paintings for the DVDS kitchen in the style of Paul Cezanne.  We can't tell what the actual paintings looked like because that kitchen wall was rarely seen in the show, and we can see only partial blurry images of the paintings.  I'll add pictures of those when I get them.




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Wow, Karry just sent me the pictures of the kitchen paintings that she finished today.  Here they are with a screenshot that she worked with.  I sent color samples to guide her choices.




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