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Hello from Yorkshire, England!


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Hello everyone!  :wub: 


I'm Elizabeth and I live in Sheffield in the UK.


I've become interested in miniatures, especially miniature embroideries and textiles over the past couple of years and hope to, one day, have my own small business selling dolls house bedding, cushions/pillows, framed embroideries and other things like that.  I've started some designing and experimenting with counted techniques, such as hardanger, but haven't had much time to devote to it as yet.


Surprisingly enough, I don't actually own a dolls house as we're a bit short on cash and I don't really have a place to put one either, but I hope to model my own creations on something!!  I bought one or two furnishings etc and have begun to put together a sort of room set.


Really glad to have found this forum (thanks to Janet Granger's mention on her blog today) and hope to be inspired here and to contribute something of interest to others as well. :) 


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Thanks Catherine.  I hope that I can earn the description of 'talent' one day! :lol: 

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