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How do I post a video?

Josje Veenenbos

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I have been searching the site but I can't find how I post a video which shows up in the post or thread?  Who can help me?  Thanks!

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Thanks!  It is possible as I have just watched several videos in posts.  I tried to post a video using the link, but then it doesn't show the video, just the link.  

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Hi Josje,


In answer to your question; posting video's is not the same as posting pictures.


Pictures can be uploaded to the forum site while you are making, or replying to, a post.  You can use the button 'Image' on the top of the editing screen.


Video's however seem to work a bit different (forgive my understanding of the matter so far, I'm on a steep learning curve here still :)) As I've noticed it works rather simple using YouTube. If there's a video on there that you like to share, you can simply copy paste the address from you internet browser and put it anywhere you like in the post that you are writing. Once you hit the 'post' button, it will appear as a little screen, ready  to be viewed.


If, on the other hand you like to share video's you've got on your won PC, im not sure if that's possible. I've tried it with a .MOV file and it did come up in the post, but only as an attachment. So not visible for your readers, unless they download it first, to their own computer. Not something every reader is willing to do? So for now i would suggest to upload them to YouTube and follow the procedure as I described above.


BUT!... I appreciate not everybody is keen on creating an account with Google, which is necessary if you are going to use YouTube. I'm going to get back on the matter and see if there are more ways to add video's. 


Iin the mean time; f anybody is finding out ways, other then I opted, please do share them here! We are still in the test fase and the more we find out, the better we can guide & help new members to post.


Thank you!

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Thank you!  I will try it now.


It worked!   I never would have guessed it was this simple  :-)

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