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A website with Thousands of Identified Miniatures from the 70 & 80's


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Have you ever had a older miniature you thought might be by Eric Pearson or Ed Norton and could never find a picture to match? This just might be the place to look. A collector from the 1960's to the early 80's Eloise Kruger gave her collection to the University of Nebraska, they have studied it and put it online for us all to see. The collection contains too many artists to list but is filled with pieces by Betty Valentine, Tom Warner, Kupjack and an especailly large quantity of the rare furniture of Eric Pearson. For those that don't know, he was on the first Americans to make his living selling scale miniatures to the adult market.


 Check it out, there are thousands of pictures and this is what you get when you click on them.







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This is a great resource, thanks for posting, I have seen people ask the question "does anybody know who made this?" many times.

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