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"Bronze" lamp is really hand carved wood


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I have a gorgeous statue lamp that was my Grandfather's. It came from the Worlds Fair in the early 1930's. I wanted to have a go at carving it in miniature. It is hand carved Jelutong, painted in dark brown oil and finished with bronze and gold finger gilding.




I had to drill through for the cord. That was a bit trying! I turned the lamp fixture from brass, aged it, then turned and threaded the screw for holding the lamp shade, and of course threaded the hole.




Here is the side view detail and the inset shows the lamp lit. I know the screw is crooked, but so is my real one!!!!!


p.s. thanks to Elga for telling me about Metalliferous!

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The lamp is wonderful Linda, I can imagine that drilling a hole right through that thin section must have been nerve wracking!

Metalliferous...a friend here told me about it.

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Your carving is fantastic. How nice to have a family piece in miniature.


I am going to send you some carving wax. I can't wait to see what you will do with it. :)

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