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How to Post Photos in Topics


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Note, this thread will be a work in progress for a few days till I get it right

One thing that makes a forum like this so much fun is with modern digital photography we can share images of what is in front of us with the rest of the world in instantly. This can be photos of what you just finished, what you would like to make, to illustrate a technique, or to show a problem like my saw keeps doing this.


There are two ways to post photos in topics, first is to follow the prompts where it says "Attach Files". The second and the way we recommend is to use a outside free photo hosting service like photobuct or flickr. There are two reasons for this, first it costs us money to take up space to host all your photos here, we don't want hundreds of each persons pictures taking up space because at some point we might have to delete them.  Second and most important, once photos are in the gallery you lose control of your own pictures, you can not edit or delete them!


Now every ones computer is a little different, a MAC might work a little different than a PC, browsers may be different putting things in different boxes or giving them different names.

So what I am saying here works on MAC running OS? Using Safari as as a browser. Others may want to chime in with what works on their computer.

So here is how I do photos to easily place them in a post on the forum. First go to photobucket and open a free account by signing up  http://s750.photobucket.com   Simply put in your email and make up a password. Once logged in, and I have my computer set to keep me that way I go to the orange button in the middle top of the screen called "upload". Clicking on that opens a window with two choices, I can either drag and drop a photo in the box or I can click "Choose photos & videos", The way my computer is set this gives me a listing of the contents on the desktop and on the left hand column at the bottom it lists "photos" When I click on that it gives me my iPhoto Library, from there I go to which ever album or event I want to and select  the photos I want to upload. (you can do more than one at a time by holding down the shift key and selecting a group) Once I have selected the photos they will be outlined in Blue. then click on "choose" in the lower left of the iPhoto window. The photos will show up on your photo bucket page and you can add titles to them if you wish or put them in albums…. I never do which is making it harder to find some 30,000 photos on my computer.


Now you can go up to the black top bar to "library" and drop down to "View Library" and there will be all your photos, be aware, if you have a lot there will be many pages, see bottom right corner. Click on the desired photo and it will show up pretty large, just to the right of it will be a box titled "Links to Share This Photo", my computer then shows me 4 options, I go for the one marked "IMG" and copy the address in that box and paste it into the forum box with your text. It will look like this: Note I have had to add a "X" and some spaces so you see an address and not a photo.


[X URL] = http:/ /s750. p hotobucket. com/user/fineminiature forum/media/DSCN3465_zps6b8518a7.jpg.html]IMG]http:/ /i750. p hotobucket. com/albums/xx144/fineminiature forum/DSCN3465_zps6b8518a7.jpg [/url ]


Now, this is a little strange and I don't know if this effects everybody or is just the way my computer is set, but I want to remove the URL from the address so the only what appears between the at the front and back is left.


[X IMG ] http: //i750.photobucket .com/albums/xx144/fineminiature forum/DSCN3465_zps 6b8518a7.jpg[/ IMG ]


The reason I do this is if not, one can click on the photo and go straight into my album on photobucket, or you can set your account to unselect "link to album"


Once you have done this just, just hit the red "post" box at the bottom and your photo should be there for all to see.Once you get the hang it of it you'll be able to upload and post photos in seconds…. it's just a matter or practice, like cutting your first dovetail joint.


Please read and get back to me if this sounds confusing, I tried to write it just as I do it….. Thanks

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So is the gallery separate from threads? Do we need to have every photo hosted elsewhere? If so, do you just post the URL? Or is there anything else to click on? Sorry but I'm confused. 

Thank you---Linda

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  • 1 month later...

So I'm just having trouble posting my profile picture from my I pad gallery. I've tried 2. They load upside down.....help.

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I'm trying to upload a change of profile photo from my iPad, to see if I can duplicate Barbara's experience. But I can only upload pictures on my Camera Roll, and they're huge - 17 meg. Fairpoint DSL is running slowly these days, so the upload takes forever. I'll keep trying.

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Barbara I have uploaded quite a few photos from my iPad and haven't had any problems, so unfortunately I have no idea why they would load sideways.

Bonni, the allowable photo sizes for profile photos is quite small, so I don't think your big photo will load at all, I don't think the slow speed has anything to do with it.

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How do I alter the size of the profile photo on my iPad to the required size? I don't take photos with my iPad 2, so they're all what's come in via iCloud. 

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You can't resize photos on the iPad without downloading an app, there are a few to choose from. I just resize mine in photobucket since I have an account with them, they also have an app for the iPad that you can use to sync all the photos on your camera roll.

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Thanks, I found this very helpful!! I believe i did it right, if not, have your way with me!!  ;)

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  • 7 months later...

Hello, are you asking about the little box next to your name?.... It might be called a avatar....... It has been a while since I did mine but I remember it was really small..... Something like 50kb....... I think I emailed it to myself using the lowest resolution, then saved that and used it that way.

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  • 7 months later...



I think I've followed your instructions closely but have not been successful in posting a profile photo or in posting a photo of current work. I'm using an iMac desktop computer, OSX 10.9.5. I've tried posting photos from my desktop and also from Dropbox but neither has worked. When I get to the step marked choose file, the name of the photo appears next to the choose file box but nothing further happens. Is there a next step I must do to actually upload the photo? The same thing happens -- or doesn't happen -- when I try to attach a photo file to a post.



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Larry, after you have clicked on choose file, you need to click on attach file, you will only be allowed to upload a total of 1000kb, then as you write your post when you come to where you want the photo to be you will need to click on add to post. I took a screen shot of how it will look and uploaded that as I described here, hope that makes sense. I did this from my iPad, hopefully it works the same on your iMac.


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  • 1 year later...

After fighting with photobucket for 3 hours and not ever being able to login, and trying two different apps to resize iPad photos, neither of which worked, I discovered I can email photos to myself using my phone, and I get an option to decrease the size of the photos. It only works on my iPhone, not on my iPad. It's a simple work around that may work for some people. 

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  • 1 year later...

Ok, so I've accepted that Weekend Miniaturist has exceeded her photo limit on the Fine Miniatures Forum, (FMF) and it looks like I need to go to a cloud and park somewhere....

I can't post any photos on the FMF.... YOU HAVE EXCEEDED YOUR LIMIT... (in that booming voice).  I'm actually surprised I didn't exceed in year 1... How old is the FMF now?

We know photobucket is NOT an option. The mini me weekend miniaturist on my left shoulder says to me,  "avoid subscription photo services"; and the mini me weekend miniaturist on my right shoulder smiles and says to me, "You get what you pay for!" 

Does anyone use Shutterfly or Flickr?  I tried to look at info from Kim Kommando  (America's digital diva) but my searches were not bringing me any relevant info.  I know some of you operate blogs, some operate websites, etc, etc, so I am looking for suggestions, and why you chose your service and what you like and / or dislike.

Thanks -







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It just occurred to me that links to instagram photos could be posted here. I don't think you have to have an instagram account to view the photos. I could be wrong, as I have a grand total of 5 photos on instagram, and I'm not very familiar with how it works. Here's a test link:


Ha, I pasted in the link and got the picture itself.


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Thanks Missy,  I do not have an instagram or FB account, but I can see your photos...

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