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Bill Hudson

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I'm not sure it is worth my time to post here any more as I am not getting responses, good , bad  or in between. Last time I checked there were over 500 views on my Chinese Cart. So far only three people (one a regular who asks questions and I like that)  have written a response and very few likes. 


Bill Hudson

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<sniffles>  But I NEED the end of the story to the Chinese Cart?!!  I'm glad that you brought this up, and I'm puzzled why this forum is sooooo quiet.  

I'm open to suggestions!  But I'm not working on miniatures right now because my life size kitchen remodel is chewing up my time with wall prep...and I don't think 2" square of progress on my rug is all that exciting to post to most of the group.  It takes forever to stitch a rug at the rate of 1600 stitches per square inch.

I've got one piece of equipment out to a specialist to fix some electrical issues for me, so when the cabinets go in, I'm hoping to get my mini creative self back to fun stuff by the end of July 2019, and then I'm hoping to be in spindle heaven.





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I have a huge workload at the moment and don't have enough time to look at thngs never mind comment. Sometimes I get a surprise email from somebody thanking me for posting a technique that they tried successfully, often it is from somebody that has never commented on any of my work or posts accross all the platforms I post on.

You have so much knowledge Bill and I appreciate you sharing it with us where we can come back and look at it again.

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I'm not looking for praise, I already have enough of that to last me a lifetime. I'm looking for conversation or questions or sharing (on topic); any thing to let me know I have an audience. I am busy too with life, health and miniatures. I don't mind sharing, in factI enjoy it, that is why I taught at Castine of fourteen years.  But! It does take time for me to put the postings together; taking the photos, sizing them for this forum, putting them in order and explaining the processes. 

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Oh Bill! Please don’t stop! Your work is incredible and I have learned much from your posts. 

I, too, have wondered where everyone is and what needs to be done to rekindle the forum. 




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