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Guild School June 2019 Class Selections!


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The Guild's Facebook page indicates the following class selections for 2019!  There are no photos of the projects for now (the catalogue will be released at the Guild Show Sept. 22).  Look for the photos to be posted to the Guild's website before / after the Guild Show... or better yet... plan to go to the Guild Show and catch a sneak peak of the class prototypes!  If there is a class that is on your MUST TAKE THIS CLASS LIST, then pre-registration is the best way to get an opportunity for the most popular class subjects for 2019, as many classes will fill.   I cannot remember ever seeing this list so early in the year, and I'm always checking the Guild's website frequently waiting for it to be released online with the catalog that is available at the Guild Show.  

The Deadline for applying for the 2019 Scholarship ($1600 value) is August 1, 2018.



Look for the registration forms at IGMA.org, choose Guild School...  This is what the 2018 form looked like...



48 hour time slot: 

Bill Robertson's Brass Culpeper Microscope.

36 hour classes:

Pete Acquisto's English Silver Tankard, circa 1774-5

Nell Corkin's 1:144 Scale “She Shed”

Ursula Dyrbye-Skovsted's French Church Candelabra

Beth Freeman-Kane's Box Framed Composition: “Ratatouille & Friends”

Carol Hardy's Nuremberg Kitchen

Bob Hurd's Sewing Cabinet with Barley Twist Legs

Tine Krijnen's Bookbinding and Tooling

Elga Koster's 1810 French Console Table

Mark Murphy's Pennsylvania Dutch Step-back Cupboard

Jeanne Rullie's Toy Maker

Troy Schmidt's Throwing Ceramic Miniatures.

24 hour classes:

Diane Almeyda's Stained Glass Fire Screen

Pete & Pam Boorum's New England Dressing Table

Phyllis Hawkes' Painting: Girl with Flower

Hiroyuki & Kyoko Kimura's Ivy (Hedera)

Iulia Chin Lee's Bi-Color Vase

Deb Mackie's Tooled Leather Luggage Set

Chris Malcomson's William and Mary Marquetry Chest of Drawers

Mary Grady O’Brien's Hearts and Birds Folk Art Wall Box

Lidi Stroud's Lidded Picnic Basket

12 hour classes:

Pete Acquisto's Silver Punch Strainer

Diane Almeyda's Enameled Flowers in Vase

Bonni Backe's Caned Stool, Sailor’s Knot Board, and Step Basket (3 different classes)

Pia Becker's Dandelions, Hydrangeas and Orchid (also 3 different classes)

Valeria Bonomi's Converse All Star Sneakers and Baseball Cap (2 classes) and Handbag/Matching Wallet/Eyeglasses (1 class)

Pete & Pam Boorum's Wooden Wheelbarrow and Garden Tools

Ursula Dyrbye-Skovsted's Art Nouveau Stool with Marquetry/Inlay

Annelle Ferguson's Seat Cover for a Chippendale Settee

Daniela Kiefhaber's Gloves, Sculpted Silver Accessories, and Tiny Doll’s Dolls (3 different classes)

Hiroyuki & Kyoko Kimura's Chocolate Vine (akebi)

Iulia Chin Lee's Nesting Bowls

Deb Mackie's Tooled Leather Rocking Chair

Chris Malcomson's Victorian Sewing Box

Marcia McClain's Window Treatment

Cristina Minischetti's Birthday Party, Drinks and Appetizers

Mary Grady O’Brien's Pennsylvania Salt box

Pat Richards' Straw Hats Based on Historical Samples

Kim Stewart's Wicker Arm Chair 

Lidi Stroud's “Wicker” Covered Bottle

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The Best week of the year in 2019 is June 8 - 14, 2019!

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Here is the timeline. To refresh your understanding of the registration options, click Register on the school web page and download the Preregistration Form. http://igma.org/PDF/2019_GSchool_preregistration.pdf

 September 14: pre-registration deadline; Class Offerings booklet is mailed to pre-registered students

September 15: Class Offerings booklet is posted online and debuts at the Guild Show in Hartford

November 12: for pre-registered students, registration form with class choices is due

November 15: lottery drawing for pre-registered students

January 2019: class assignments and Guide booklet are mailed

Ongoingregistration for Guild School continues through May 1, 2019

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Your favorite class can fill, so if there is a class that is on the top of your list for 2019, REMEMBER to Pre-register by September 14, 2018.  Pre-registration allows you to participate in the lottery for class assignments.  I am looking forward to the photos on September 15, 2018!

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  • 3 weeks later...

September 15: Class Offerings booklet is posted online and debuts at the Guild Show in Hartford

I am amazed that today is September 20, and I was not glued to my computer on September 15, to see the photos of classes for 2019 at Guild School!

Here is a link beginning with the 12 hours classes, scroll to the bottom to see the photos for 24, 36 and 48 hours!


It is a HUGE Decision, determining which classes to write down on your form for the best Mini week of 2019!  Enjoy!

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  • 2 months later...

I love the Guild School experience;  if you want to learn from some of the finest instructors in 2019, the classes that are full are noted on the website now.  Students who pre-registered, should begin receiving notification of their classes!

It is a wonderful week, where you are only concentrating on making minis and being with people who also enjoy mini-merry-making events!

This is your opportunity to learn from a Master Miniaturists and learn and perfect a new skill!

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  • 1 month later...

Guild School 2019 still has openings in classes. Some are full, but there are lots of great classes available. Check out the Guild School pages on the website. http://igma.org/guild_school/index.html 



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  • 5 months later...

Students and instructors are arriving at Guild School;  If I remember classes begin promptly at 7:45 am Sunday and I'm sure the students are ALL in for the MOST WONDERFUL WEEK of 2019.  If you are not attending (like me) stay tuned to the Guild's Instagram and Facebook pages and perhaps we will see a glimpse of the 2019 experience!

I can't wait to hear about the 2020 class proposals... if there is a class that calls you to work on your skills for miniature making, pre-registering is the best way to participate in the class lottery!  Classes fill so quickly!

Remember the Guild also offers Scholarships... https://www.igma.org/guild_school/scholarship.html; applications are due on August 1, 2019.

I've heard from friends that the kitchen remodel and dining hall are complete!


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