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Beginer furniture builder


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I am very new to miniatures (less than a year) so my furniture is nowhere near artisan quality or what is found on here.  That being said...I love building mini furniture, chairs mostly.  So here is my most recent attempt..



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The chair looks great and the floors too... (granite?)  I admire chairbuilders - it took me many, many years before I scratch built and finished one chair. Congratulations!  I think with only 10 months of you participating in the miniature world I think we are going to have fun watching your progress.

I also like to make my own cushions that are covered with fabric out of balsa or basswood, and you can add some very thin cotton batting to make cushions, "cushiony".  (I know "cushiony" isn't really a word. )   I have a couple of other chairs started, but got frustrated and then stopped; so frustrated that those two chairs are not even on my list of unfinished projects; I don't even know where the parts are for the barrel chair that I started, but now that I am a little better at turning on a lathe, the possibilities of finishing that barrel chair could become a reality.

What do you want to make next?





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Thank you Tamra.  I am very critical of my own work, so I have to remind myself that I’ve been doing this less than a year.  Looking at the picture I can see a half dozen things that I could have done differently or better. 

Here is a pic of the chair I was trying to duplicate in cases anyone was curious. 


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It looks good!  The convex details of the chair definitely add to the complexities of this project.  This is a great project.  Are you making a certain quantity of each chair that you make?  In theory, I always like to make my scratch builds in 3... although I do not always follow through... because I may have to use the extra parts for my mulligan attempts.  Many times it takes me 3 attempts to get the results that I am after.  Unfortunately, I did not date my chair, so I'm not really sure what year I did the chair, I will someday have to go through my notes and see if I wrote it down in a mini journal.

You have already 'mastered' I see room to improve.  If there is a secret, perhaps a consistent trait, for all craftspersons in creating beautiful miniatures (and real life items) it is that we always strive to improve and learn by experience.

Have you ever seen the miniature magazines and The Scale Cabinetmaker (TSC) Magazines?  Incredible amount of building techniques in TSC.  I am amazed that in addition to using books with furniture drawings and scaling it down to 1/12th, that we have had wonderful magazines for teaching ourselves how to build furniture.




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