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SAM Workshop in Killeen, TX


Community Calendar

Event details

Society of American Miniaturist’s Wonderful Workshop Weekend at the Courtyard by Marriott in Killeen TX September 20-22, 2019.

You must be a SAM member to attend.   New Members are welcomed!

Membership is $25 a year and you can pay online with PayPal. While the majority of our members live in Texas and a smaller number in the surrounding states, we do have members from other states around the country. We have 2 events a year. A birthday party in February (one day) with a project and raffle and the workshop weekend in September with 3 workshop time slots, a banquet, silent and live auction, sales room (about 20 -25 dealers) and our annual meeting. The birthday party moves around the state and the clubs in that area are in charge. The workshop weekend is in central Texas. It’s been in Killeen for 3 years because we found a good deal with a hotel. 

For Additional information:  http://www.minisam.org/

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