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I have been working on tables for Chicago. 

I have 3 tables. I wanted to post them with in progress shots but they quit letting me upload. So I am going to try 3 separate posts. Just delete me if it is annoying or too much. Or if it won't let me do 3 (keeps telling me that tiny 500KB files are too large.....)




This is  an Irish George II carved tea table circa 1750. Scratch built, hand carved cherry.




The legs mortised.




Dry fit after tenoning.




The fun part, carving :)

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I'll try replying to my own post to add to it. The next table has candle slides and slipper feet.






Here are the end aprons cut and slotted for the supports and slides.




Here the slides are in their tracks. The knee returns are still rough. I put 2 little brass nails in each slide as stops.




The tray top was tricky to make. I coved the strips, then I had to rabbet them. Then I had to make the bead. Last step after the finish was to turn tiny brass knobs.




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The last one is this little French table. No progress shots with this one. 




I cannot for the life of me recall what this style of feet  with the swirl are called. Can someone help?

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We like lots of photos Linda, I usually upload mine to photobucket and then use the share link to post them here, that way you can do a lot more photos in one post. I hope I get to see your tables in Chicago before they are sold, according to Tom Bishop's website we have 3.8 minutes per table if we are there full time all three days, visit with nobody, take no lunch breaks etc...guess I am going to have to study that floor map really well and prioritize which artists work I want to see and maybe buy.

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Thank you for sharing photos of the tables in progress, i know how difficult it is to make them but seeing the work step by step, is informative, educational and makes us appreciate the pieces more.

All this talk about Chicago is making me excited, it really is a fantastic show and i do spend full time three days and still feel i haven't seen everything. Don't spent all your money on the first day, because at the end of the day there's the IGMA auction after the show closes on the first day and it's full of treasures and surprises! 

You do need to run to your favorite artists because things get sold pretty quickly but you still can enjoy seeing them as most buyers leave their items on display with a sold note next to them. 

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It is really nice for people who purchase immediately to leave the treasures for others to see... there is so much to see at the Chicago International, but if you are not quick, there is also a lot to miss. 


Linda, your tables are lovely. I've enjoyed seeing your pictures.  Is this your first year at the Chicago International?  I think I found you on the dealer list as "Miracle Chicken Miniatures, OH."  The Chicago International Show is only 5 months away!


For those of us that are shopping, we need to save money; and for those of us selling keep making exquisite minis please.


Elga, 3.8 minutes just isn't a reality, but a funny statistic.  You are going to have fun at this show!



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Thank you for the comments :) 

I saw that 3.8 minute stat. wowww 

Yes this is my first time. 

I put a piece of glass over my work table and it looks like the tables are floating haha

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Yes, I noticed that your table was floating - not only do you create miracle critters, but you are also a magician and can make your tables float on thin air!

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