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Micromark X-Y table on Cameron Drill press?


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Has anyone tried (successfully or not) to mount the micromark X-Y table on a Cameron drill press?   While I imagine the Cameron XY table is probably better, it's also 4-5x the cost.  


All suggestions appreciated!   Thanks.

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I have not seen either mm or cameron x y tables except in pictures.  But it looks like the MM is larger than the Cameron table. The Cameron mounts on the drill table which to me looks iffy. The MM would probably fit but I doubt you would have much y axis movement. You would have plenty of x movement. It appeared that the MM mounts by screws. You would probably need to drill and tap holes for that or drill the holes a bit oversize and use bolts with a washer between the nut and base.  This would allow you room to jockey the alignment a bit. It is too bad that the headstock could not be slid down lower on the column then you could remove the table or swing it out of the way an mount it on the base.It would be more stable then.

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Having given this more thought. My suggestion would be to buy the Micro-Mark standard 3 speed drill press and mount the x-y table on it.  That way you still have use of the Cameron for finer drilling.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi Chris,


I have not used the Micro Mark X/Y on the Cameron, but use the Proxxon X/Y on the Cameron sometimes. It works well, but requires and adapter or holes bored into the Cameron table to be attached. I don't want to bore holes into my Cameron tables, so make an adapter out of thin plywood.   All that is required is that you drill holes into the plywood to match the 4 holes the x/y has to mount it, the holes are countersunk so that the bolt head is flush with the wood. The bolts are positioned with their head underneath the plywood to rest on the Cameron table, so it goes plywood with bolt head facing down, fit the X/y onto the bolts and secure the nut onto the bolt. Another set of holes are drilled into the plywood to fit the plywood to the Cameron table slots, countersink the heads flush with the top of the plywood and use wing nuts under the Cameron table to secure the plywood to the Cameron table.

I don't have the adapter with me at the moment to post a picture, but I hope this helps.   

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  • 1 month later...

Here's an update.  I bought the Proxxon XY table and made a mounting plate similar to what Elizabeth describes.  Since I had previously fitted my Cameron table with a wooden "plate" with T-tracks in it, I was able to construct an easily removable mounting plate assembly.


After I mounted everything up, I realized that the Proxxon table *is metric* - i.e., the cranks are all calibrated with millimeters.  Argh.  Since I don't typically dimension my projects in metric, it's a pain for me to convert each mark on the dial to 0.00197" - I just can't do that math in my head.  I've sent it back and have ordered the MicroMark table.  My guess is that it's made by Proxxon (since all the dimensions including the mounting pattern are identical), but it prominently features the fact that it is calibrated in inches.

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Chris, I am glad that you pointed this out that the tool is metric.  I'm having enough difficulty measuring in decimals of an inch, doing it in metric is going to make me crazy.  I wonder if I can get a different dial calibration marks for my unimat.......



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