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Oldest Pickup Truck

Guy Gadois

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My current  project is a scale model of the "World's Oldest Pickup" truck. This truck used wooden spoke wheels much like older wagons,  buggies, and the like. I have made many wood spoke wheels employing traditional full-scale methods, but I thought I would like to try something different. I scroll sawed the wheel including the spokes and then rounded the spokes to the appropriate egg shape. This type of wheel is called an "Archibald" as it uses a metal hub instead of a wooden hub. The tyre is a square section, 3 inch O-ring.  I didn't know square section O-rings existed until I stumbled on to a web site called the "O-Ring-Store-LLC", located in Washington State. 



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Hi, Bill

I show two photos, one by accident, on my computer. I'll attach another one and maybe the wheel will appear.


Archibald Wheel.jpg

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Guy,Yes, this photo has appeared!  I love wheels... they remain on my list of things to try!  Thank you for persisting and sharing a picture with us!  And I appreciate the O Ring source too; I am guessing that I will be shopping on their site.

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I have seen a square o-ring for garden hose, but this is the only time I have seen them in real life.   Are square rubber tires consistent on a  certain type of wheel?  The only carriage resource that I have locally is the Studebaker National Museum, and I think they have a wooden carriage in the museum, I will have to add this to my list of places to visit this year.





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If you search "EngelsCoachShop" site on Youtube, there are many interesting videos on horse drawn vehicles, some with rubber tyres. 

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