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Guild School 2017

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I'm looking forward to seeing the pictures of the projects and the schedule....

If there is a class, that you really, really want to take,  pre-registering is highly recommended.  I know this because I missed one that I really wanted and didn't pre-register, which left me with that class was filled, and no opportunity to do that project  - oops. 


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  • 2 months later...

Oh my goodness! So many wonderful choices! What to do - what to do?

If any of you haven't made it to Guild School yet, please reconsider.  Whatever your reasons for not attending yet may be, you will not regret making the effort to get there! This will be my third year and it has been on my bucket list for 30 years - even before I knew I had a bucket list.

Martha in Louisiana, USA

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  • 2 weeks later...

It is so much fun to see the schedule; I think students will know the lottery results of class assignments around Christmas.  For potential students who are not pre-registered, you can see the opportunity for classes that are not filled,  (in December?) so there is still opportunity to chose classes if you have not pre-registered.   Watch the Guild's website for the class selection to update.

I am excited that one of my local club members is considering attendance at GS.  If she attends, then we will have 3 members from our local club that have attended.  Guild School is a week of blissful creativity!

Dreaming of learning to create silver masterpieces?  Furniture?  Learn how to solder?  Learn how to Petitpoint? Do you want to find out if you can use a table saw? 

I learned a lot in my candlestick class, and I'm still practicing... need an excuse to spend some money on some cool tools?  Guild School is a great place to try that equipment out to see if you want to invest.





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  • 4 weeks later...

As noted, the lottery drawing for preregistered students is tomorrow, November 16. Soon after that, the classes that are full will be posted on the IGMA website. As always, there will be lots of classes still open for those who continue to register until May 1, 2017. You can download the Registration Form. Email the director if you have specific questions. The theme this year is Putting It All Together. Join us!


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Thanks Barbara, I am sure there are miniaturists all over the world looking forward to the update on the Guild's website to find out if the class they selected is filled... so what time is it in CA? 

If memory serves me,  this is the area that you can check out the classes for next year...


So many options...

waiting for the updates in EST!



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