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floortiles made in 16th century - 'Chapel: The Vyne - Original and Miniature


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The Vyne Floor- history, technic and miniature tile floor



The original tiles on the floor of the chapel ‘The Vyne` in Hampshire,  England, probably were made 1520 in Antwerp (Belgium). The floor is a typical example for a floor design of that time. By using the Maiolica technic, portraits and animals as well as Persian pelmets and other floral designs were painted on hexagonal and square tiles. They are very close in design to those laying on the Vaselli Chapel in Italy.


Hence it is not surprising that Andries, a potter who probably made the tiles learned the Maiolica technic in Venice (Italy) before we went to Antwerp. Maicolica means that the tiles were made and glazed first before the painting was applied on the unfired glaze surface. By doing so the paint soaks into the glaze immediately. This technic needs a secure hand as no correction can be made.


We love the designs as well as the lively ancient look and decided to make a miniature floor accordingly. In order to achieve the medieval look a crème to yellow glaze with spots as base for the hand painted single tiles and a lively red-brown mat glaze were developed. During the third firing the hand painted designs were fixed on the glaze before the final picture could be formed by gluing all tiles in place.


We are very happy with the result, now the medieval dancing event with knights and ladies can take place!






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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Exquisite!  It's easily the most beautiful floor I've ever seen in small scale. 

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  • 10 months later...

This floor is absolutely stunning. I can't imagine the time and patience it took. Exquisite!

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This is absolutely gorgeous and amazing! I'd say I was floored but that would be a very obvious pun :)

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